Friday, February 1, 2013

Spartan WOD for 1.31.13!

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 1.31.13

Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body.
—Lynn Jennings

You are only going to exercise your will by willing yourself to do more.

Dynamic Stretching
10 minute run progressing in intensity

Main set:
2-6 hill intervals.

Choose a hill, or section of a mountain, that takes you between 2-6 minutes to climb. Intensity should be high. Race pace or slightly above.

Cool down:
Easy walk, jog

In the following two blogs, Dr. Jeff Godin Ph.D. of Spartan Coaches breaks down why running hills is so important.

Running Hills Part 1
Running Hills Part 2

WOD Intensity Scores
Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 4 Speed: 3

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

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