Friday, December 9, 2011

Lifting and Cardio

Can lifting increase ones cardiovascular abilities? Well the short answer is yes. The kinda long one is yes and no. And by that I mean it doesn't actually strengthen your heart much or expand your lungs, however it will increase your overall endurance. So by adding that extra muscle to your legs,core, or wherever; you'll be able perform your daily or weekly cardio at a faster pace or longer distance  whether that's running,swimming,biking,or wrestling your kids in their car seats...because your muscles don't and will not fatigue as easily. Why's that? the main reason your body fatigues during an aerobic exercise is your muscles are tired of repeating that movement over and over and over again. The fix; work on strengthening your muscles three times a week. That's it, just three times a week and you'll have drastic improvements in a matter of weeks. Of course there are some of us who don't have access to a gym or weights at home, If that's the case for you, get creative, you don't have to lift weights to strengthen your body. So hit up your local park that has an obstacle course, or just knock out some body weight exercises.
here's a totally weight less workout for you entire body-
perform this circuit three times (not including the warm up)without any rest in between.
This workout will include something some of you may or may not be familiar with; Fillers, fillers are used to maximize performance by not wasting any time on "resting." 
Warm up:
light running(or jump rope) 5min or until your body is warmed up.(after all that's why we call it a warm up)
1.Push ups for 30 seconds
2.jumping jacks for 1 minute
3.swimmers backstroke 30 seconds
4.pulse ups for 30 seconds
5.running for another 30 seconds
6.explosive squats (otherwise known as jump squats) 1 minute
7.toe touch (hand to toes) for 1 minute
 Thrusters(with or with out weights) 12 reps
F. Supine jackknives 60 reps or until ready to move to the next exercise
 Pushups (regular) 30 reps
F.plank 2 min or until ready to move on
 Eight-count body builders 20 reps
F.Flutter kicks 2 min or until ready 
 Iron mikes 15 reps
F.x situps 60 reps or until ready
Pushups diamond 15 reps
repeat 2 more times and than finish with a 2 mile run.
Do not, at all,sacrifice form. If you have to cut a few reps off of each exercise, But if you can handle it. hell go through two or even three more times.Whatever your body is able to handle.
Remember to stay hydrated and eat right.

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