Monday, September 17, 2012

Do this to turn on your metbolism and lean out your middle section.

Occasionally, I like to switch things up and try something off books.
Here's a new favorite-
Run for 30-90 minutes at any pace. Then-
  1. 30 Burpees
  2. 30 Burpee/Pullups
  3. 30 Pullups
  4. 30 Box jumps
  5. 30 Medicine Ball Squat Throws
  6. 100 Jumping Jacks
  7. 300 crunches
  8. 30 body weight squats
  9. 30 side kicks (each side)
  10. 30 jumping lunges
  11. 30 curls
  12. 30 Tricep overhead presses
  13. 30 frog jumps
  14. 30 squat jumps
  15. 3 x 1 minute jump ropes 
 Go through this however many times you like. Stretch, hydrate, and refuel with something low carb and high protein.
 This workout will limber you up and burn crazy amounts of calories. Try and keep up a good pace throughout the entire session, switching from one exercise to the next without resting will keep your heart up and metabolism revving.
Remember, eating is 80% of fitness. The crazy workouts you do are only 20%. Get some!

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