26. Build with care.
"If you put down a good solid foundation, you can then build one room after another and pretty soon you have a house. After your base mileage, add hills, pace work, speedwork, and finally race strategy." -Rod Dixon, New Zealand Olympian and 1983 New York City Marathon Champ
27. Look at the big picture.
"Whether one shall run on his heels or his toes is hardly worth discussing. The main thing in distance running is endurance-and how to get i." -Clarence DeMar, seven-time Boston Marathon champion and U.S Olympic marathoner.
28. Toss out the clutter.
"Throw away your 10-function chronometer, heart-rate monitor with the computer printout, training log, high-tech underwear, pace charts, and laboratory-rat-tested-air-injected-gel-lined-mo-tion-control-top-of-the-line-footwear. Run with your own imagination." -Lorraine Moller, 1992 Olympic marathon bronze medalist.
29. Listen to your body (yes, again!)
"Your body is always trying to tell you where you are. Beware when you become tired and listless, when you lose interest in workouts and approach them as a chore rather than a pleasure." -Dr. George Sheehan.
30. Go steady.
"Day to day consistency is more important than big mileage. Then you're never shot the next day." -John Campbell, former master running stay from New Zealand.
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