Thursday, October 4, 2012

Is Real Dose the Real thing?

I believe yes. The main barrier holding people back from loosing weight it their hormones...They're all out of whack. I want to spend a few brief moments talking about Hormones and how to get them under control.
There are typically five main reasons people can't their weight under control besides eating wrong and not exercising correctly (or maybe not exercising at all).

1.Adiponectin  (also referred to as GBP-28, apM1, AdipoQ and Acrp30) is a protein that tells your body to burn fat by regulating glucose levels and breaking down fatty acids. The more that's in your blood stream, the more fat you're burning. The more fat you have, the less Adiponectin you'll have flowing through your blood stream.
To increase the level of Adiponectin your body has and is using....increase your magnesium intake. You can raise your magnesium intake easily just by consuming more seeds, green leafy vegetables, or a high quality supplement. Another way is fasting all foods and calorie sources one day, and then eating heavy the next day. This is known as Intermittent Fasting. However, I don't recommend this because there are still studies to be done on the subject and many doctors and universities aren't even sure if this is good for your body.
2. Too much Ghrelin. Also known as the "hunger hormone," controls how much your body desires to eat.
 Everyone knows those late night snacks are "all bad" and that skipping breakfast is a "no no". But many don't know that if they got more sleep, they could lower their Ghrelin levels, thus not desiring to eat as much. 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended for people of age 18+.
3. The "Fat storage hormone" or, Insulin. regulates your Glucose levels. Excess Glucose creates a huge issue for you cause it pretty much traps the fat in your body. As any diabetic would know,  a lot of it has to do with sugar and other Carbohydrates. One way you can lower your Insulin levels is to consume,  2 tablesoons of apple cider vinegar before a high Carb meal.
4. Fat burning barrier #4- a Cortisol overload. Cortisol literally go's after your sweet tooth. I mean literally as in MJ's hair on fire in a Coke commercial...not misusing the term "literally". It does this by going straight to the party of your brain that makes you desire things like cookies, ice cream, and breads and pastas. So you're cravings for sweet things are increase gradually or even quickly over time. Cortisol also breaks down muscle fibers which in turn, does you the huge favor of slowing your metabolism down. Another reason you should love Cortisol is that it even directly increases abdominal fat storage levels. So you have more fat in your mid section. Great right?...not.

So now that I've given you the bad news you're probably wondering...What now?
Well a few things you should be educated on are-
1.If you're depressed you're gonna reach for food....specifically comfort foods.
2.Piper betle leaf and dolichos biflorus+  will both increase adiponectin and lower ghrelin.
3. There's a special kind of coffee bean called Caffea Canephora. Which is only grown in
 Madagascar and manufactured in France in a very special way. And that magical bean  reduces glucose, attacking fat at it's very own heart...if it had a heart.
4. People lost over two and a half times as much weight using Real Dose than people who use other weight lose products, and they never gained it back. Plus, it's all natural and organic.
5. Real Dose studies were performed on humans not animals.
6. There's an Herb from Siberia called Rhodiola Rosea or golden root. Which  increases ones  ability to sleep. And it was used for centries in Russia. There's even a book on the ancient herb, the Rhodiola Revolution By Richard Brown, Md and Patricia  Gerbarg, Md. The two authors recommended 200-400 Mg a day. They say it curbs appetite, uses fat for  energy and  boosts mood.
7. Most weight lost supplement contain tons of caffeine, and caffeine equals crash.
8, Real Dose handles all four of the earlier issues.
 Processed by with their A-Z Guarantee, You can trust the product and it's creators. 
 Of course eating healthy is still needed, but this product is sure to help you lose the weight, and keep it off.
It also is certified kosher+vegan and no contains no gluten, dairy, or eggs.

The average life expectancy in America is 76 years old. You can extend this or shorten this just by having an extra 10 pounds of fat on you.  It's time to become dedicated and work for the body you've always wanted.

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