Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.17.13

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.17.13

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
-- Winston Churchill
Get out of your comfort zone.
Main Set:
Carry a back pack with 30% of your bodyweight (fill it with sand bags, water bottles, bricks, etc...).

During a 3-5 mile hike:

6-8 alternating leg step ups on raised box or stairs
6-8 Squats
6-8 dead lifts (lift sandbag)
Recover between each set -- 3 sets

Plank for 10-60 seconds
4-20 pushups (modified if needed)
4-20 tricep dips
Recover between each set -- 3 sets

Take pack off and use as weight.

6-8 over head squats
6-8 over head push presses
Be sure to warm up and cool down.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 3 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

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