Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 03.07.13

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 03.07.13

You can only hold your stomach in for so many years.
-- Burt Reynolds

Run 3-5 miles with 10 burpees each mile, then:
Spartan Ab 300

15 crunches
30 bicycles
30 back scratchers
30 rotating crunches
15 leg lowers
30 scissor-kick
30 side-crunches
30 bicycles
15 crunches
30 back scratchers
15 leg lowers
30 side-crunches
Be sure to warm up and cool-down. Here is a new blog on the importance of the warm-up.
For a full description of each of the above core exercises swing by this blog by Jeff Godin, Ph.D. CSCS, director of www.SpartanCoaches.com.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 3 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

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