Saturday, January 19, 2013

A little bit of info on some different kind of training.

 Hey guys, lately I've gotten some question on exercise program style and how the way you workout builds your body in different ways.
A Client recently asked. "Hey bro, what's your take... low weight high reps or high weight low reps for weight loss?"
My Answer:
"Both, it depends on how you wanna look. Low reps and heavy weight is called hypertrophy training. And Hypertrophy training build muscle mass and makes you really strong. It's the way bodybuilders train.
If you wanna get overall fit and have both Muscular endurance and maximum strength
you need to do what's called, Strength Endurance Training.
The goal of Strength Endurance Training is to enhance stabilization endurance while increasing prime mover strength. This means, build your muscle endurance by performing body weight exercises and build muscle mass by lifting heavy weights.
This can be done in a Superset sequence. By performing back to back exercises without rest. The exercises have to have similar joint dynamics though. The first one is a traditional strength exercise that you perform in a stable environment, such as a Barbell Squat or Bench Press. The second one is performed in a less stable yet still controllable environment, such as a Single-Leg Squat Touch Down, or Medicine Ball Chest Pass.
the goal of the first is to build the prime muscles and the goal of the second is to increase the strength of the stabilization muscles."

Hope this helps everyone while they're choosing training styles. 

There is also free online coaching at my Facebook page-

"Find it within you."- Malik Dees of Addiction Fitness.

Call 602-403-1898 or email me at to sign up for training sessions or to find out when and where the next boot camp is going down.

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