Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spartan WOD 1.28.13

Spartan WOD for Monday, 1.28.13

The bamboo which bends in stronger than the oak which resists.
—Japanese Proverb

Limber up! Take 20-30 minutes today to break into a stretching routine. Stick to your tried and true routine, or try something new, just focus on relaxing into deep stretches. Try and make sure to address your whole body from ankles to neck.

Even the biggest trees sway in the wind, lest they break.

And give your mind a break too! Basketball, swimming, volley ball, and other team sports are great activities introduce into your fitness, particularly if you have been feeling burned out or over-trained.

WOD Intensity Scores
Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 1 Endurance: 1 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

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