Sunday, January 6, 2013

Personal Spartan Race Prep


3 Sets of 20 Burpies 
2-400 Meter Dash 
Stretch...Really good.

1/4 Mile Sprint 
3-Point Bicep Curl (Three point means at three points on the bar, Wide, Standard, & Narrow) 1 set of 9 each on each point.
Hibberty Jibberty    (Do these fast) 1 set of 40
Under-Hand Grip Pullup 1 Set of 20
Barbell Rollout 1 Set of 20
3-Point Barbell Pushup 1 Set of 30. 10 each point
Over-Head Barbell Squat 1 Set of 15
1/4 Mile Sprint  ....Yes, I actually want you to SPRINT 1/4 wanna win right?
Side Plank with Leg Lift 1 set of 30. 15 Each Side
Thruster Pushups (Really Thrust on these) 1 Set of 20
Dumbbell Thrusters (All the way down, and all the way up. No cheating. Your conscience is watching) 1 Set of 20
Side Shuffle 1 Set-100 meters right then 100 meters left.
Handstand Pushups 1 Set of 20
Ring Dips 1 Set of 20
1/4 Mile Sprint

Repeat as many times as possible. I've done this Workout just once and I got through it 3 times. Lets see if someone can get 4 or 5. Comment below and lemme know what you guys get! Hurry, I'm about to set a new record. 

15 min of "Extra" dedication prep work. Vaults, BackSprings, Pullup DeadHang, "Extra" Planks,
Front/Back flips, Back/ Front Walk-Overs, Flagging, ect, ect, ect.. 
Go as far as you'd like. 
"Dig Deep Into Your Addiction" 
-Malik Dees,
Addiction Fitness 

Watch your diet. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys, Planning on participating in the Spartan Sprint Race? Plan on winning? Well then you should be training under me. My workouts and training techniques are designed to make a spartan into a SPARTAN. Because of the holidays I know some ppl have tight budgets, that's why I'm open for price suggestions. :) Running with a group? Even better. It's cheaper for groups!
    Sign Up. Show Up. Don't Give Up!
