Sunday, September 8, 2013

My workout Today

Warm Up:
45 Minutes of cardio. I chose to run, but feel free to do another form of cardio, as long as you can do it for 45 minutes, you're good. 

Main Set:
40 Reps of 3-6 sets. I did 5. One right after the other, no rest periods at all here. Dig Deep.
Military Press
Upright Row
Leg Extensions
Weighted Crunches 
Bent-Over Row
Weighted Calf Presses 
200-50 legs- (see below)
Reverse Crunches 

Last Set:
60 Pushups, 60 Crunches, & 60 Double Unders. 

200-50 Legs is really quite simple; 50 reps of 4 different exercises. Lunges, Offset Lunges, Squats, and Skater Squats. When doing the Skater Squats, be sure to keep your torso upright and core tight. Push that chest out. 

"Find it within you" - Malik Dees      

Friday, September 6, 2013

WOD for Friday, 09.06.13

When the will is strong, everything is easy.
-- Herb Brev
Run 1-3 miles for a warm-up.
Main Set:

3x through:
20 single leg squats – 10 each side
20 body weight squats
20 jumping lunges - 10 each side
15 Burpees
10 pull-ups
10 pull-up bar dips
15 hanging leg raises
10 chin-ups
10 raised leg chin ups
20 dive-bomber push-ups
1 minute plank

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spartan Abs 1.0

"You can only hold your stomach in for so many years." - Burt Reynolds

Spartan Abs 1.0

10 burpees

5 burpee pull-ups
3 burpee pull-ups w/knee raises *

15 Crunches
10 Laying leg raises
5 Hanging knee raises

Repeat as necessary.

1-3 x for a Sprint
3-6 x Super
7-15 x Beast

* Be sure to raise your knees in a controlled manner after initial pull-up, while chin is being held above the bar.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

One of my favorite spartan workouts

Warm Up:
Something cardio related like jump rope or light running.

Main Set:
Max Pushups
Max Situps
25 Burpees
2 Min. Rest
1 Mile Run
30-20-10 Hand Release Pushups
30-20-10 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
21-15-9 Pullups (or chin-ups)
21-15-9 Burpees
1 Mile Run
2 Min Plank

Stretching for cool down

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Working hard to bring the abs back in again.

Working hard to bring in the abs again. I'm starting to feel more like myself again and it feels freakin amazing. Me and my cardiovascular dominated workouts.
#FitFam #Cardio #HTFU #CrossfitGames #Marathons #Gym #TeamCleanEaters 

Cali, San Diego

Spartan WOD for Wednesday, 08.28.13

Spartan WOD for Wednesday, 08.28.13
Spartan Abs 2.0
The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
-- Max Lerner
Your core is worked during running, especially if carrying weight on irregular terrain. But if you want defined and ripped abs, your best bet is to actively work your core while running. Simultaneously, you’re burning fat and building muscle, getting leaner and getting stronger, and, ultimately, becoming a faster runner.

Run 1/2 mile
30 crunches
Run 1/2 mile
15 hanging knee raises
Run 1/2 mile
2 minute plank
Run 1/2
2 minute plank

Sprint: 1-2x
Super: 2-3x
Beast: 4-8x

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Customize you're own workout

Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce.
~ Vivian Komori

Core Focus:

Pick 3 of your favorite abdominal exercises for this routine.

Warm-up with light job or jump rope

main set:
abs exercise # 1
20-100 push-ups
abs excercise #2
pull ups till failure
abs exercise #3
50-200 body weight squats

(repeat main set as needed)

stretch for cool-down. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

My workout from the night before. ....Insane!

10 Minute plank for completion
10 rounds for completion -
100 burpees swim 15 laps

finish with 50 pushups,
1 minute of plank
and 40 laps

Side stroke is recommended for SEAL Candidates

Fat Torch 101

super set these if you please. 

Main Set-
 Repetition System is 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1- Rowing is done in !00 Meters, 90 Meters, 80 Meters, 70....You get it. 
Dig deep into this and before you even think about quitting, better not quit.
Leg press -160 Lbs for Men and 90 Lbs for women
Dips W/ Leg Raise/Knee tuck. (Make these harder by locking a Medicine ball between the knees.
Row (Above is Repetition System for these. Feel free to double or triple each.)
Standard Pushups. Chest hits the floor every single time, NO exceptions. Make sure you go all the way up on these until your arms are fully extended but not locked. Throw a vest on to make it harder. 

"Find It Within You"- Malik Dees of Addiction Fitness
Crossfit Workout provided by Addiction Fitness owner Malik Dees

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tips for accomplishing that handstand

As people grow up we tend to develop wisdom, and along with that wisdom comes this some what irrational fear of certain things such as your arms giving out on you during a handstand. Or at least that's the way I see it. But the truth is, your arms have nothing to do with it. It's all in the shoulders, wrist, and core. Your shoulders support you, and like Dem Franchize Boyz, your wrist and core control which way you lean and rock.
How do you strengthen and train them?
For your core try planking and side planking. As well as the Body Saw.
For your wrist and forearms do pullups. Death Grip that bar throughout the movement.

Spartan WOD for Wednesday, 03.06.13

Spartan WOD for Wednesday, 03.06.13

Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry.
-- Unknown

Things are particularly blurry at 5 am. Especially if it's cold and raining outside. You can always go back to sleep. However, you'll be less likely to do so if you have a team waiting for you.
Race as a team. Experience the Hurricane Heat as a team. Train as a team.
Dynamic Warm-up & Stretching
Main Set:
100 jumping jacks
30 burpees
30 box jumps
Run 2-5 miles
Optional: Spartan Ab 300
Cool Down:

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 3 Endurance: 3 Speed: 2

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense
Sign Up Now >

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 03.07.13

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 03.07.13

You can only hold your stomach in for so many years.
-- Burt Reynolds

Run 3-5 miles with 10 burpees each mile, then:
Spartan Ab 300

15 crunches
30 bicycles
30 back scratchers
30 rotating crunches
15 leg lowers
30 scissor-kick
30 side-crunches
30 bicycles
15 crunches
30 back scratchers
15 leg lowers
30 side-crunches
Be sure to warm up and cool-down. Here is a new blog on the importance of the warm-up.
For a full description of each of the above core exercises swing by this blog by Jeff Godin, Ph.D. CSCS, director of

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 3 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.10.13

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.10.13

If you can't be criticized for it, it's probably not remarkable.
-- Unknown

There is always a mainstream mentality saying your goals and dreams are 'outrageous'. Just say, 'thanks' and get back to training.
Pre-Workout Stretching
Main set:
Run 3-5 miles w/25 burpees at each mile's completion.

If you want to make this more of a speed workout, progressively speed up each mile and set of burpees, recovering 1-3 minutes after each set.
Cool Down:
Post-Workout Stretching

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 3 Endurance: 3 Speed: 3

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense
Sign Up Now >

Spartan WOD for Tuesday, 03.12.13

Spartan WOD for Tuesday, 03.12.13

We have Spartan workouts on

Here's a break down of one:

If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.
-- Les Brown

5-10 mile run. Every mile perform two sets of each of these strength exercises, 20-40 reps each set-
Sandbag Cleans
Be sure to warm-up and cool down.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 4 Speed: 2

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

Spartan WOD for Monday, 03.11.13

Spartan WOD for Monday, 03.11.13

You're on a positive road. You have some type of direction where you're going, so you have to just keep on going.
-- Bob Marley

Get ready for a great week of training. Which race are your working towards? What are you going to find at the finish?
Main Set:
100 meter sprint
10 push-ups
100 meter sprint
10 jumping lunges
10 meter sprint
10 pull-ups
100 meter sprint
10 burpees
100 meter sprint
10 bodyweight squats
100 meter sprint
30 crunches
(Repeat as needed)
Be sure to start with a good warm-up and cool-down.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 3 Endurance: 2 Speed: 4

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

Spartan WOD for Saturday, 03.16.13

Spartan WOD for Saturday, 03.16.13

I have learned to walk: since then I have run.
-- Freidrich Nietzche
Tomorrow, just enjoy the longest run of your week.
Can't run 1 hour? Walk 1 hour. Just commit to 1 hour of moving forward tomorrow. Just keep moving.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 2 Endurance: 4 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.17.13

Spartan WOD for Sunday, 03.17.13

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
-- Winston Churchill
Get out of your comfort zone.
Main Set:
Carry a back pack with 30% of your bodyweight (fill it with sand bags, water bottles, bricks, etc...).

During a 3-5 mile hike:

6-8 alternating leg step ups on raised box or stairs
6-8 Squats
6-8 dead lifts (lift sandbag)
Recover between each set -- 3 sets

Plank for 10-60 seconds
4-20 pushups (modified if needed)
4-20 tricep dips
Recover between each set -- 3 sets

Take pack off and use as weight.

6-8 over head squats
6-8 over head push presses
Be sure to warm up and cool down.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 3 Speed: 1

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Killer Spartan Workout

Wow guys, it is so freakin awesome to finally have some extra time to post on here. It's been forever! I'm doing this workout today along with running track and tire flips down at Phoenix College. This is gonna be seriously awesome. :D I'm going to pick up some of my Under Armour from a friends place and then it's on!
Dig Deep into your Addiction today and find it within you.  The quote below by Henry Ford is so true. If you wanna be recognized for something, you actually have to do something.
Spartan WOD for Thursday, 1.24.13

You can't build your reputation on what you're going to do.
—Henry Ford

Stop jawing, start training, and sign up today.

Dynamic Stretching
Jump rope

Main set:
2 mile run
100 crunches
30 lunges w/weight
25 burpees
30 body weight squats
max amount of pull-ups
(Repeat if doing Super or Beast)


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spartan WOD

Spartan WOD for Thursday, 02.21.13

A human being is a being who is constantly ‘under construction,’ but also, in a parallel fashion, always in a state of constant destruction.
— Jose Saramago

Pyramids: Ascending and Descending Rep Counts
Dynamic warm-up
Warm-up stretching
1 pull-up
1 push-up
1 burpee
2 pull-ups
2 push ups
2 burpees
5-10 pull-ups
5-10 push ups
5-10 burpees
Then, descending:
5-10 pull-ups
5-10 push ups
5-10 burpees
4-9 pull-ups
1 pull-up
1 push up
1 burpee
Cool-down stretching
The intensity of this Spartan WOD can be increased or decreased by limiting or extending your recovery time between each set of exercises.

WOD Intensity Scores

Strength Endurance Speed
Strength: 4 Endurance: 3 Speed: 2

*1 = least intense, 5 = most intense